T minus 1 week.

that's right. 1 week left and then it's fall break, WHAT UP?
for a normal child, this may mean "yay, time to relax and chill!" for and IB student, this means "yay, dont have to go to school - more time for studying!"
the main focus of my studies during the break will be my EE - which is due the tuseday right after break - and my TOK presentation - which is due the following friday.
but before that I have to get through this week, which is filled with practice IOCs in english and a bio test on topic 5.
Seriously cant wait for christmas break. mostly because when this term is done, I know i'll be done with all my IAs. that means all I have to do is study for exams. just study study study, which is so much better than writing essays. at least, that's what I feel right now, haha.
anywhooo, i should probably get pack to psychology, of which we only have 40 min left, woooh.

Update - so little time, so much to do.

meh, made a video blog (so called "vlog") for this one, so that you all can enjoy me talking about boring stuff :D


EE day - eternal exhaustion day?

Right now I'm on my way to school in order to participate in a day's worth of extended essay writing - EE day! In my class there's a wide range of completion going on. Some have just finished their research, some might just have an outline, and some are basically done. As for me, I have about 700 words and detailed outline. My EE supervisor recommended we have about 800 words by today, so I'm happy with my starting point (so to speak). Sadly, my supervisor will not be attending today, as she is at uni. But I should be able to make it through nevertheless. It feels so weird to have these serious IB days. It seems we have registration in a few weeks, and that almost stresses le out, but at the same time it gives me a tingly feeling of expectation. Meh, I'll write more later. Toodles, Ebba

take it easy, cause there's no stress.

..yeah right. My EE is coming along, I'm pretty sure what I want to do for my math project, psychology IA, TOK presentation and TOK essay, and my world lits are mostly on track. Despite this, I'm stressed. I'm overwhelmed by all the deadlines thar are crepping up on me, and I fear I'm not studying enough. On top of this I have family responsibilities (cooking, taking care of brother, etcerera) and the economics for a skiva to plan and process. Not to mention all the exterior, personal factors. I'm not complaining, I just wish I could get my head on straight, know that my planning is enough and find myself in this sea of IB. I somehow need to balance my life and make it work. Is that to much to ask? It might be crazy, but I long for the time when all the IAs are done, and all I need to focus on is revision. That's simple enough. 6 subjects, 6 syllabuses, 6 notebooks, 6 literrary works, and a calculator. Plain and simple. I just hope I'll get the grades I want, so that it'll all be worth it :)) Oh well Peace Ebba

Female protagonists and other fun stuff

So, I really haven't been updating lately, ironically enough because I'm so busy studying all the time, haha. I finished a week of IB2 and I'm half way through week 2 :D so far I've pretty much finished my EE research, written an outline for EE, written my Swedish World lit 1 outline and actually started writing the essay. All this, along with other stuff, such as writing book logs and digitalizing biology notes! And actually, it isn't too much of a pain, seeing as I get most of it done in school :)) Well, today is my study night off, seeing as I have karate almost right after school, and by the time I'm home and showered, I'm way too tired to study. I might actually watch some tv tonight ;)) Well, hopefully I'll update soon with some info on how I keep track of what to study (that is, not just using a calendar) Gotta go karate-chop some people, So toodles for now Ebba


So, here is a really fast (=sloppy) version of my schedule for the Autumn Term.

here are the colors and corresponding subjects:
Purple - Psychology
Blue - Biology
Pink - English
Light yellow - Swedish
Orange - Spanish
Green - Math
Reddish - TOK/CAS

The only thing weird is that we have a part 1 and a part 2 of the autumn term. and for P1 we have swedish with a new mystery teacher named Mats Rehn. Then for P2 we get back Mona-Lisa. I'm a little confused about that, but it'll prolly be fine :))



IB2, tomorrow.

I just realized today is Sunday, which logically means that tomorrow is Monday. "Hey, doesn't school start on Monday?" oh.my.gosh. IB2 starts tomorrow. I'm feeling a mixture of fear, excitement and exhaustion, haha. But mostly excited! I've actually missed school and my class this past summer :> I just need to find something to wear for the first day of school, haha.
oh, and this year, I will not cut class and I will wait for both CAS and TOK. Even though they are boring and the last class of the day. I aim to have a perfect absence (ie 0%) unless I'm reaaaaally sick. Like, fever or vomiting :D

anywho, I didn't read an act of Hamlet today OR yesterday :< (and the plan was to read an act per day) I had one extra day planned in, just in case, so technically I'm only one day behind. So either I read 3 acts today and finish the book, or I read 2 today and 1 tomorrow, but then Í HAVE to read tomorrow. I'm going to aim for 3 :))

I'll probably update you on how it goes later!
but first I think I'm going to post a pic of my schedule!

toodles for now,

Summer studying/Hamlet

So, the other day I looked up my grades from before summer (for some reason) and while skimming through the comments, I realised I had some summer hw - reading hamlet.
"No fear," I said. "I have a whole week until school starts!" <- this is the number one sign of procastination.
So another day went by and I kept telling myself to study, but at the same time I was like "nah" <- second sign.
Then yet another day passed and I started making up excuses "It's not worth starting to read today, cause I'm seeing friends later, so I wont be able to fininsh anything anyway.." <- third sign.
Which is why today, I finally got my butt out of the lazy seat and started reading. Now some of you might be thinking "It's just a book, all you have to do is read?" but alas, no it isn't. Even if this was just a book, I would still have to take notes on all the events taking place in the book, and all the impressions and thoughts I get while reading (which takes quite a bit of time, actually) but this isn't just any book. This, is Shakespeare. Which means adding 20 other things to do like: reading through chapter summaries and finding a good synopsis, making a chart of all the characters and how they are related, looking up every other word/phrase because they don't make sense, etc. So, no, it isn't just reading.
Anyway, there are five acts in the play, so I'm thinking I'll read an act a day, even though I have 6 days to complete it. I'm almost finished with Act 1 (have about two pages left of the last scene) and my head is already mush. I figured this is a good, easy way to start school, as I have some time to build up my mental stamina, which was lost somewhere along the lines of "summer vacation".
And, a blog isn't complete without pictures, so here's a picture of the signs/stages of procastination I was telling you about!

I'm gonna continue studying now




So, my final year of IB is just around the corner (we start next monday, the 22nd) and as my dad always says, I need to think about the six Ps. Proper planning and preperation prevents poor performance.
Hence, I'm planning on how I'm going to survive this coming school year. (Note to readers: my bff sandra claims I'm a study bulimic. This implies that I make prestegious study plans, which I plan to follow. BUT, if I fail to follow the plan for just one day, I sort of go into a FUCK EVERYTHING sort of state, and then I dont study for a very long time, heh. Sort of like somebody who doesn't eat for days, then they accidently eat something, so then they binge forever. and then they feel bad about it, haha. anyway...)
  • First of all, I will study atleast 2h/day, monday through friday. There is never "nothing to do" You always have an EE, TOK-essay, math project or other IAs to do. oh yeah, and STUDYING FOR EXAMS.
  • Sundays are now known as Studyday, and I can therefore not be out late on saturdays.
  • I plan to skim through the subject we will be covering in class on my way to school in the morning. which is part of the next bullet point:
  • I will be prepared for class.
  • I will sleep properly
  • I'm not sure of this point, but I will digitalize all my notes. This way, they are clean, there are extra copies, and it's a good ay to remember what we did in class if I take them home and write them that same night.
  • Finally, I will plan every week with small goals.
Part of my plan was to finish like one hundred things this summer, but I didn't. and honestly, I'm not too stressed about it. Things will work out anyway. Atleast I've started doing the research for my EE, haha.

Finally, the goal for this year ofc 45, but I will be happy with 40. Let's see what I get, shall we?

IB2, bring it.


ps. I will be posting a picture of my schedule soon.

International Baccalaureate

Yes, once again I've decided to start a new blog. I know what all of you are thinking: Urgh, not another one. But it's not just another one. This one is different, seeing as it isn't going to concern my personal life and it will not be pointless entries about basically nothin (mostly pictures of me) and therefor, this blog will be remotely interesting (at least if you're in/have been in/know somebody who is in IB).

So, yeah.
The first question might be: What is International Baccalaureate?
Thankfully, I already answered that question in another blog I had about IB (which was created in the beggining of PIB) so I can just copy paste. Enjoy.

"Firstly, I plan on informing you on what IB is. IB stands for International Baccalaureate. It is a 2 year international program, but because of the fact that swedish gymnasium educations are 3 years, a preparatory year was introduced - Pre-IB.
So, Pre-IB is equal to 1st grade in the swedish gymnasiums, IB1 is 2nd grade, and IB2 is third grade. It can be a bit confusing at first, but it gets easier after a while.

In IB, you take 6 subjects. These subjects are chosen by choosing one subject from six groups:

Group 1 - Swedish A1 or English A1 - First language
Group 2 - English A2, French B, German B, Spanish B, Spanish ab initio - Second/additional language.
Group 3 - Psychology, Economics, History, ESS - Social Sciences
Group 4 - Biology, Chemistry, Physics, ESS - Natural Sciences
Group 5 - Math Studies, Math SL, Math HL - Mathematics
Group 6 - Another subject from either group 2,3 or 4.
Note: These subjects are the ones provided by my school, there are of course other IB subjects. ESS = Evironmental Systems and Societies.

Once you have chosen your six subjects, you must choose three to study on a higher level (HL). The rest will be studied on a standard level (SL). Higher Level courses have more class hours and topics.
In the end of IB2 you have a test on everything you have be taught under IB1 and IB2. These are the final exams.
The grades you get in each subject are from 0-7. These will make up your final points. You can earn an additional 3 points from the 3 compulsory subjects: Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Extended Essay (EE) and Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)
You need 24 points to pass. Theses means at least 4's in every subject (4*6 = 24). The maximum you can get is 45 points (7*6+3). 40 points is equivalent to the maximum grade you can get in national courses.
When you graduate from IB you recieve a Diploma.

Some minor corrections: the three extra points are earned only through TOK and EE, not through CAS. CAS is just compulsory, and you wont get your diploma without it. Also, it isnt only your final exams that define your grades, but a combination of Internal and External Assesments (IAs och EAs). For example, in english you have two IAs: Individual Oral Presentation and Individual Oral Commentary. You also have EAs, which are one or two (depending if you're HL or SL) world literature essays and your final exams. Each of these assesments are worth a certain percentage of your final grade, and a compilation of all four give your final grade. The exams, of course, weigh the most.

So, the following question would probably be: Ebba, what subjects do you take?
I take
English A1 HL
Swedish A1 HL
Psychology HL
Biology SL
Spanish ab initio SL
Mathematical Studies SL

I'm not quite sure why I decided to start up this blog again. (Like I said, I had started a blog named IBlife before, but on bloggspace, and I "moved" it here to blogg.se just because I like the formating better here, haha) I think it's mostly therapeutical. You can post when you've done something difficult that you're proud of, or when you're stressed cause you've procastinated too much, or just to share with other IB-folk. Either way, I hope somebody will read it, haha :))

Well, I think that's it for the introduction, but I'll probably post another entry about how I'm preparing for my final IB year.
Toodles for now!


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