
So, my final year of IB is just around the corner (we start next monday, the 22nd) and as my dad always says, I need to think about the six Ps. Proper planning and preperation prevents poor performance.
Hence, I'm planning on how I'm going to survive this coming school year. (Note to readers: my bff sandra claims I'm a study bulimic. This implies that I make prestegious study plans, which I plan to follow. BUT, if I fail to follow the plan for just one day, I sort of go into a FUCK EVERYTHING sort of state, and then I dont study for a very long time, heh. Sort of like somebody who doesn't eat for days, then they accidently eat something, so then they binge forever. and then they feel bad about it, haha. anyway...)
  • First of all, I will study atleast 2h/day, monday through friday. There is never "nothing to do" You always have an EE, TOK-essay, math project or other IAs to do. oh yeah, and STUDYING FOR EXAMS.
  • Sundays are now known as Studyday, and I can therefore not be out late on saturdays.
  • I plan to skim through the subject we will be covering in class on my way to school in the morning. which is part of the next bullet point:
  • I will be prepared for class.
  • I will sleep properly
  • I'm not sure of this point, but I will digitalize all my notes. This way, they are clean, there are extra copies, and it's a good ay to remember what we did in class if I take them home and write them that same night.
  • Finally, I will plan every week with small goals.
Part of my plan was to finish like one hundred things this summer, but I didn't. and honestly, I'm not too stressed about it. Things will work out anyway. Atleast I've started doing the research for my EE, haha.

Finally, the goal for this year ofc 45, but I will be happy with 40. Let's see what I get, shall we?

IB2, bring it.


ps. I will be posting a picture of my schedule soon.

Postat av: lawrence


I'm prepared to study my ass off!:) I think i'm going to quit facebook when school starts~~~ but we'll see what happens ;)

2011-08-13 @ 13:34:50

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