T minus 1 week.

that's right. 1 week left and then it's fall break, WHAT UP?
for a normal child, this may mean "yay, time to relax and chill!" for and IB student, this means "yay, dont have to go to school - more time for studying!"
the main focus of my studies during the break will be my EE - which is due the tuseday right after break - and my TOK presentation - which is due the following friday.
but before that I have to get through this week, which is filled with practice IOCs in english and a bio test on topic 5.
Seriously cant wait for christmas break. mostly because when this term is done, I know i'll be done with all my IAs. that means all I have to do is study for exams. just study study study, which is so much better than writing essays. at least, that's what I feel right now, haha.
anywhooo, i should probably get pack to psychology, of which we only have 40 min left, woooh.


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