IB2, tomorrow.

I just realized today is Sunday, which logically means that tomorrow is Monday. "Hey, doesn't school start on Monday?" oh.my.gosh. IB2 starts tomorrow. I'm feeling a mixture of fear, excitement and exhaustion, haha. But mostly excited! I've actually missed school and my class this past summer :> I just need to find something to wear for the first day of school, haha.
oh, and this year, I will not cut class and I will wait for both CAS and TOK. Even though they are boring and the last class of the day. I aim to have a perfect absence (ie 0%) unless I'm reaaaaally sick. Like, fever or vomiting :D

anywho, I didn't read an act of Hamlet today OR yesterday :< (and the plan was to read an act per day) I had one extra day planned in, just in case, so technically I'm only one day behind. So either I read 3 acts today and finish the book, or I read 2 today and 1 tomorrow, but then Í HAVE to read tomorrow. I'm going to aim for 3 :))

I'll probably update you on how it goes later!
but first I think I'm going to post a pic of my schedule!

toodles for now,


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